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Why does my man lose his hard on

The most frustrating thought for a woman is while doing sex she finds your penis is not as strong after inserting it. This makes her feel awkward and she may lose patience or interest in sex. She may think why does my man lose his hard-on? Sex is all about the interest that a woman generates in a man. If she is revengeful and considers it to throw tantrums while doing sex then none of the men will take any interest in doing it. Why does my man lose his hard on

What is the most common male sex problem?

Male Sex problems give them nightmares and lead to low libido. This also gives issues in the long run as there is constant dissatisfaction and the partners do not give them emotional support. The huge frustration leads to deprivation in daily life and most of them become a silent victim. They neither consult sex therapists nor reach any conclusion and then become either socially inactive persons or are found to be into drinking and gambling. The various social issues come out of it and if you are dissatisfied with a single partner then you start exploring solace in others. It […]